Graveyard Rabbit

You may have noticed the new link in the sidebar, or read the announcement in the newsletter. For those of you who missed it, I repeat the announcement here:
Terry Thornton, author of Hill Country of Monroe, Mississippi, recently founded The Association of Graveyard Rabbits. The goal of the association is to promote "the historical importance of cemeteries, grave markers, and the family history to be learned from a study of burial customs, burying grounds, and tombstones". Members are required to have their own membership blog, where they engage in "the study of cemeteries, the preservation of cemeteries, and the transcription of genealogical/historical information written in cemeteries".
I am a charter member of the Association. My membership blog is The Graveyard rabbit of Utrecht and Het Gooi. On this blog, I will post photo impressions of cemeteries in the Utrecht and Het Gooi regions and write about Dutch burial customs and Dutch cemeteries and their "inhabitants", often with a focus on the Utrecht and Het Gooi regions. [...]
Visit The Graveyard Rabbit for a list of members and their blogs. Most members focus on a region in North America. At the moment, I am the only Dutch graveyard rabbit.
Until 1 November 2008, membership of the Association is open, visit The Graveyard Rabbit for more information. From 1 November, membership is by invitation only.
Labels: Cemeteries, Noord-Holland, Utrecht
Henk, Thanks for mentioning The Association of Graveyard Rabbits and the links --- but more important, thanks for joining the association. I look forward to reading more of your articles at your Graveyard Rabbit blog from the central regions of The Netherlands.
Terry Thornton
Fulton, Mississippi USA
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