Dutch archive news June 2009

- Several archives announced limited opening hours during the summer.
- The Royal Dutch Library completed its Short-Title Catalogue (STCN), a complete biography of Dutch books printed between 1540 and 1800. The project took 15 years to complete. You can consult the database here.
- Genlias added birth records from Groningen.
- The Flevoland archive announced a new exhibition and website: Vergane schepen (Lost ships). The area that is now the province Flevoland was once the Zuiderzee, a small inland sea. 435 shipwrecks were found during the creation of the polders in the Zuiderzee. The website Vergane schepen shows a selection on a map, with images of and information about the wreck (in Dutch).
Image: de ventjager, an 18th century fish transporting ship, part of the Vergane schepen exhibition. Source: Press release of Nieuw land erfgoed, the Flevoland archive and heritage centre.
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