Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Around the world in 40 blogs

Family Tree Magazine recently published an article, Around the world in 40 blogs, a selection of 40 international genealogy blogs. They "chose these blogs based on their overall quality of content and design, potential interest to other researchers, and relatively current status". Trace your Dutch roots is proud to be on this list!

You can find the article, written by Sunny Jane Morton, in the July/August 2012 issue of the magazine, and now also online.


  1. Way to go!!!

    So I too have Dutch Ancestors. One of my GGgrandma's Idonia Rjicke. Have you ever seen it?

    I will look forward using your Blog to help me find out what I can on my Dutch lines.


  2. Thank you!

    Rijcke is a Dutch name. Was your ggrandmother born in the Netherlands? Do you know when/where?

  3. Leslie in VA, USA14 June, 2012

    Congratulations! That article is how I found your blog. My g-grandmother was a Roos, changed to Rose upon immigration through Ellis Island. My mother would like to make a trip to the Netherlands to see what she can learn. We'll keep an eye on the blog to see what we can learn. Thank you for your work!

  4. Congratulations, well deserved!

  5. Thank you, Peter and Leslie!

    Leslie, there is an article on visiting the Netherlands on this site. Maybe useful for your mother?

  6. Greetings Henk,

    Yes, Idonia Rjicke was born in the Netherlands Holland 1799.

    She married Louis DeSpegiel before 1827 in appears to be:

    Holland, Reusel-de Mierden, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands


  7. Hello again Henk,

    So for my ancestors last name should the spelling be Rji or Rij. I ask due to the USA changing so much of family names. Your input would be most helpful.


  8. Rij(c)ke.

    In older documents, ij and y are used interchangeably. In the USA, it often changed into y. Rji is probably a typo that stuck.

    Reusel-De Mierden is a municipality in the province Noord-Brabant. It exists since the 1990s, when Reusel and Hooge en Lage Mierde merged into Reusel-De Mierden.

    Marriages of Reusel and Hooge en Lage Mierde are on the website http://eindhoven.digitalestamboom.nl. I could not find your ancestors, though.
