Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Postcard from Holland

Traditional Dutch dress postcard

Postcard from Holland is a regular feature on this blog. On Wednesdays I post a card from my collection of vintage postcards. Today: Traditional dresses.

The caption on this card is Een laatst vaarwel, a final goodbye. The ladies in traditional dress are probably bidding farewell to their fisherman husbands who just set sail to their fishing haunts at sea. The fishing boats were often at sea for several weeks at a time.

It should be possible to tell from their dress in which region the ladies lived, but I don't know much about traditional dresses, so I can't tell you anything about the location.


  1. Met mijn eveneens bescheiden kennis van klederdrachten maar met een redelijk geheugen voor jeugdige indrukken, zou ik zeggen dat dit Scheveningse dames zijn.

  2. Bedankt, Peter. De kaart is uitgegeven door C. Ottes in Scheveningen, dus ik vermoed dat je gelijk hebt.
